

25 February - 8 March 2020

155a Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8HX

Whether we communicate solely through our gestures or speak to each other in differing languages, we are often absent in one dialogue yet present in another. An interpretation, assumption, or preconceived idea. To all our absent dialogues presents infinite ways to experience the same moment, object, space, or connection, all depends on our existing knowledge and framework, which we have built up to that point. Words are interwoven to apply new purpose to something which originally embodied a different meaning altogether.

Participating artists: Bianca Barandun, Tristan Barlow, Rachael Bos, Ryan Browning, Elena Gileva, Charlie Goering, Callum Green, Michael Kaul, Jeff Kraus, Anders Lindseth, Lucienne O’Mara, Fabian Erik Patzak, Sébastien Pauwels, Arran Rahimian, Erin Skiffington, Maxima Smith, Laila Tara H, Hanna ten Doornkaat, Sean Tseng, Amy Winstanley, Jiyoung Yoo